Here are some recommended resources on the economics of fashion.
What is the economic value of the fashion Industry?
The ‘Value of the UK Fashion Industry’ report, commissioned
by the British Fashion Council, estimated the total value as 26 billion in 2014. Download the full text of the report from the website to see details of the methodology used.
The Economist magazine also has some recent articles on fashion.
For the USA see this analysis
The cost of fashion to the global workforce.
However campaigners have raised concerns about conditions and wages amongst workers producing clothes for the fashion industry. Has the rise of fast fashion led to further declines in the developing world. what is the cost of fashion to the workforce. The ILO website has some recent discussion of this. Other useful websites include those of campaign groups seeking to expose conditions.
War on Want regularly organises campaigns against sweatshops. see this posting for London fashion week.
Labour behind the label supports garment workers its website has reports and guides on the real conditions for garment workers
The Institute for Global Labour and Human Right resources - this is is a
non-profit human rights organization dedicated to the
promotion and defense of internationally recognized worker rights in the
global economy