Early this month the British Red Cross published a report called Escaping the Bubble which from its survey found that 80% of people in the UK (amongst those surveyed) had experienced loneliness with 18% feeling often or always lonely.
In 2015 the Office for National Statistics issued a study focussing on older people, loneliness and well-being. 3 in 10 of those aged 80 and over reported being lonely with a strong correlation between loneliness and unhappiness
The London Datastore has stastistics on the probability of a person over 65 being lonely- based on data from the London area.
Age UK has a loneliness map which examines the areas in the UK where older feel most isolated and lonely . Its website also has a number of relevant evidence reviews.
You can keep up to date with examples of recent research and news on loneliness and the old. By checking the Campaign to End Loneliness website
the Centre for Policy on Aging also has a national database of Aging research and Ageinfo - references to recent articles and reports
However , loneliness is not just experienced by the Old. The Mental Health Foundation published a report entitled the Lonely Society which found that changes in the nature of social relations and society have increased loneliness.
For further information try searching social care online which indexes articles and reports covering all aspects of social care. examples include this briefing on isolation.
How does the UK compare with other countries?
Global Agewatch considered that the UK had a lower score for health due to loneliness
Eurostat has some statistics for European nations on life satisfaction and social interaction which you can download.
Finally Mind has some resources and advice which can help when you are feeling lonely