"Conflict-related sexual violence is a preventable
crime, and should be a priority for the new UN Secretary-General". the
International Day for the Elimination of Sexual Violence in conflict is held on 19th June read what Angelina Jolie said about this in a 2016 LSE event.
2018 Report of the Secretary-General on conflict-related sexual violence (S/2018/250)
Closing the protection gap for children born of war LSE report by Joanne Neenan
UN Action Against Sexual Violence in Conflict (UN Action) unites the
work of 13 UN entities with the goal of ending sexual violence in
conflict. It has information about the Stop Rape Now campaign
It website has field updates with programmes for specific regions
web site has recent press releases, speeches and reports
United Nations Peacekeeping hub has specialist training guides they include procedures for protection of staff
Peace Women - Womens International Legaue Peace and Freedom has a resource library wioth statements and reports on this issue