A quarter of FTSE 350 companies have only one woman on their board according to the 2018
report of the Hampton-Alexander review into increasing the number of women in senior positions in FTSE 350 companies. Progress has been made but still a lot remains to be done to achieve the target
Also released this week
Inclusive Tech report
which revealed Women make up just 12.6% of board members and 16.6% of
senior executives BAME individuals both men and women are significantly under
View the background to this in the Davies reports on women in Boards which aimed to achieve the 25% of
women on all FTSE100 board by 2015.
and Human Rights Commission review progress on women on FTSE boards noted of these Between
2010-2015 FTSE 350 boards with women rose from 9.5 – 21.5% however men still
held 78% of FTSE director roles in 2015.
Other useful sources
Cranfield University
publish Female FTSE
annual reports giving data and analysis on female members of FTSE
boards. All issues from 2005 onwards can be downloaded free of
charge from their website Other good sources for data on women and
management include:
The ILO also
produces regular gender audits. Look at their website for statistics and