Wednesday, 29 May 2019

Are local councils broke?

According to the County Councils Network
Independent review of local government spending need and funding
An independent analysis of councils’ financial sustainability up to 2025 from PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP (PwC) stated that
Councils in England could face a funding black hole of over £50bn over the next six years, Read the full report on methodology and regional breakdowns to get the facts

this prediction has been echoed by the Local Government Association. In a June 2018 report it predicted a 7.8 billion funding gap by 2025.
More insight is given by their regular State of Local Government Finance Survey which has been every January since 2012 to coincide with councils setting their annual budgets. The results give a snapshot of the key pressures facing councils and the impact of ongoing financial uncertainty on their communities.

Other sources of information on this include IFS analysis of local government finance
they have also concluded that the present model of funding is unsustainable.
London Councils papers and news relating to local government funding reviews

House of Commons Library briefing paper 
Reviewing and reforming local government finance

Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Are Green parties becoming more popular?

Reports of the European elections have included comment on the increasing success of the Green Party.
the European Parliament has a live election page where you can see the results by group #
and results by country

Are green Parties becoming more popular?
The ESRC party membership project recorded a surge in membership in Britain., between October 2014 and May 2015, it  increased from less than 20,000 to over 60,000. The MAPP Project has been examining and comparing party membership in European nations from 1990-2012. It has visualisations of who belongs
For recent uk polls on voting intentions and attitudes towards green parties see the what the UK thinks website EU which has voters opinions on policies of different parties towards Brexit

Who votes green and why do they?
this recent article from EUROPP Blog discusses when Green Parties are successful
it has some useful graphs on the spread of green parties since the 1980s. It is based on a full text journal article. they conclude: The findings show that 'voter demand, institutions and mainstream party strategy all affect the Green vote. Green parties do well in societies with post-materialist conflicts caused by high levels of wealth or the presence of a tangible environmental dispute'
Another useful article on this topic is
Brendan Prendiville, « The Green Party: ‘Green Surge’ or Work in Progress? », Revue Française de Civilisation Britannique [Online], XX-3 | 2015, Online since 01 December 2015, connection on 27 May 2019. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/rfcb.618
which has charts on party membership and who voted focussing on elections 2010-2015

For more information on political parties try this specialist PSA Group which has a mailing list and regular updates on academic study of political parties.

Monday, 20 May 2019

Is working overtime bad for you? Some interesting evidence from Higher education

This interesting article mentioned in the Times Higher last week had the headline do 10 hours of overtime and feel less stressed

It is based on this article.
Fontinha, R., Easton, S., & Van Laar, D. (2019). Overtime and quality of working life in academics and nonacademics: The role of perceived work-life balance. International Journal of Stress Management, 26(2), 173-183.
which used a sample of 1,474 academic and 1,953 nonacademic staff working for 9 higher education institutions. Key factors were the amount of perceived control over work and levels of job satisfaction. there is also an open access version here

How much overtime do British workers do?

The Office for National Statistics has Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE). it has data on hours and wages by occupation, gender and region

According to the TUC there was £32 billion unpaid hours put in 2018. They calculated that by occupation teachers put in the most unpaid hours.with an average of 12.1 per week

For a comparison of longer term trends consult the full text of the Working Long Hours: a Review of the Evidence Kodz J, Davis S, Lain D, Strebler M, Rick J, Bates P, Cummings J, Meager N | Employment Relations Research Series ERRS16 | Department of Trade and Industry | Oct 2003. This found that 11% of employees were working over 48 hours per week

Long term trends and international comparisons are also covered in this paper.
Extreme working hours in Western Europe and North America: A new aspect of polarization by Anna S. Burger published in 2015. It analysed extreme working hours in sixteen Western European countries, Canada, and the United States between 1970 and 2010.

In December 2017 the Resolution Foundation published a paper which reviewed the evidence of overtime and policy options. It considers those who depend on overtime to make up their wages, enforced cultures of long hours working and the payment of overtime

What is the impact of overtime on health and well-being?

Good evidence can often be found in systematic reviews of literature. This recent title Working hours and the onset of depressive disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ Occupational and Environmental Medicine . Ultimately it found that "The effect of overtime work on depressive disorder remains inconclusive and may be small if not negligible"

Cochrane has a recent review on Flexible working conditions and their effects on employee health and wellbeing . it found a lack of evidence on overtime but the amount of studies screened was low and needed further investigation. however it was felt that.
'flexibility in working patterns which gives the worker more choice or control is likely to have positive effects on health and wellbeing.'

Monday, 13 May 2019

Who is on the new rich list?

This weekend the Sunday Times released its annual Rich List

According to this Sri and Gopi Hinduja and family are worth 22 billion.

Forbes has an annual Billionaires listing which can be filtered by gender and age

Gap Gemini releases an annual wealth report
it provides data on high net worth individuals and their investment behaviours 
Barclays has produced some global wealth insight reports which include research on origins of wealth, investments and motivations.

Knight Frank has research on the property Market and Global wealth it also covers attitudes and decisions on which cities to live in.

Credit Suisse Global wealth report 2018 found that During the twelve months to mid-2018, aggregate global wealth rose by $14.0 trillion (4.6%) to a combined total of $317 trillion, outpacing population growth. Wealth per adult grew by 3.2%,

However to put this in perspective Oxfam has figures on global inequality. 
 last year 26 people owned the same as the 3.8 billion people who make up the poorest half of humanity, down from 43 people the year before.25

This week it is Learning at Work Week - Here is a very few and very selective picks!

This week it is Learning at Work Week

Photo by 2Photo Pots on Unsplash

Time to do something Great and Learn Something New!

Find out the economic value of lifelong learning to business and governments in this summary of reports from the World Economic Forum
Ted talks with world leaders.

Get Learning

 TED has free 15 minute talks from leaders on a range of topics from business, to tech and how to be happy!
·         Duolingo is a great app for getting started with language learning . For French language learners you can register for free newspapers, magazines and books online via the fabulous Culturethèque! from the Institut Francais

Explore History Online

·         Did your Ancestors live in a ‘criminal and vicious part’ of London? Explore Charles Booth’s poverty maps and the associated police notebooks from 1898/1900 for a fascinating insight into London life and trades.
·         Research more on the London Lives website which gives access to 240,000 manuscript and printed pages. They include Old Bailey trial reports. Learn about the life of George Barrington – a notorious pickpocket!
·         Look for UK wide  materials using Connected Histories 1500-1900 . It has images, manuscripts, newspapers and more from leading museums and archives . Many are full text.

Get Reading

·         Find a free online book form the Directory of Open Access Books
·         Explore classic English literature form the British Library Discovering Literature Collection. It includes original manuscripts. See what the Lord Chamberlain said about George Bernard Shaw play Pygmalion in 1913.  Why did he think it could be censored!  Discover these rare books from the Women's Library @ LSE collections . The earliest item is the Countrey Contentments, or the English Huswife from 1623. What virtues did the author think the complete woman should have?

Relax with  the TV

·         Try a historic film from the BFI  Player. They have a Britain on Film Collection with free public information films, amateur footage of life in Britain in the 20th century. Find out how to use the Telephone correctly from 1948!
·         May academic libraries have access to Box of Broadcasts which offers streaming access with transcripts from over 65 free-to-air channels and over 2 million programmes in the archive. They range from soaps to documentaries.
·         BBC iplayer archive is a hidden treasure.  They often put older materials (dramas and documentaries there for large lengths of time) Find out what jobs a woman should do in this documentary from 1978

Friday, 10 May 2019

Social Science sites of the week

Here is the latest round up of new and interesting sites for social scientists

Are a million species threatened with extinction?
This week media reported that vast numbers of species were threatened with extinction
the data is taken from a report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services . The full report will be issued later this year. But the summary shows that "average of around 25 per cent of species in assessed animal and plant groups are threatened"
This echoes the WWF 2018 Living Planet report which also tracks the state of global biodiversity "The latest index shows an overall decline of 60% in population sizes between 1970 and 2014"

ICUN Red list The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red list records over 27,000 species threatened with extinction worldwide. Get fact files on the individual species of animals, plants and fungi listed.
Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) provides a summary of the status of biological diversity and an analysis of the steps being taken by the global community It has the relevant convention and national implementation plans

How is the UK doing?
See the annual biodiversity targets
the Joint Nature Conservation Committee website has the UK biodiversity framework

National Biodiversity Network is a UK based charity which seeks to educate the public. it supports the Biodiversity Atlas which enables you to explore species in your area.

Oceanreports Data now available for the USA
A new ocean mapping tool for US designed by the by the Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) and the Department of Commerce’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Draw maps or look at customised reports combining data on infrastructure, regulation, minerals, geology and environment in one place.
For a more global reach see the "International Oceanographic Data and Information Exchange" (IODE) of the "Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission" (IOC) of UNESCO. It has a world Ocean database

South Africa elections - get some facts

This week elections have taken place in South Africa.
The electoral Commission has an official website with information on the electoral system, candidates and regulations . Results will be posted here.
For recent polls try ipsos
Alternatively see what people were searching for Google Trends as the most popular recent searches in South Africa
Newspaper coverage
These include news stories, polls and analysis
UK Guardian
The Times South Africa
The South African
Analysis from academic staff (mainly UK based ) the Conversation
All Africa. com
Fighting misinformation
Find out if it is an issue in the elections by reading these useful resources.
An account of what Google is doing
AfricaCheck activities including analysis of specific manifesto promises
Reports from election observers.
Including assessment of the conduct of the elections
EISA South Africa
African Union
Corruption Watch has reports on the state of democracy and transparency in government
For historic information on observations of past elections see the Ace Project website

We need to find out about University staff well-being.
Interesting new report from HEPI which argues that universities need to collect and make data available on the wellbeing of the staff. It argues that this should not confuse mental health with mental wellbeing as they should be measured separately. Try our page for further links to new reports covering higher education teaching and learning

Arabian Gulf digital library
Fabulous collection from the National Archives of the United Arab Emirates and National Archives uk which has text and images on the political, social and cultural history of the region.It includes some online exhibitions one is on the discovery of oil i
While many materials are offered in Arabic; it does have UK government materials on foreign relations and policy . For instance browse the section on disputes. It is possible to search or browse by subject, place, date.
Also recently made available is the Quatar digital library which also has collections on international relations and oil

South-South Galaxy (UNOSSC)A new website launched the UN Office for South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC). The project intends to give support to countries of the South, so they can share best practice and knowledge . The site is new but aims to have a South-South Global Thinkers section- a place where - the global coalition of think tank networks for South-South cooperation.can publish news research and find partners. Topics relate to the BAPA+40 Roadmap focusing on technical cooperation

Modern Slavery Data Stories (UNU-CPR)
Created by the UN University Centre for Policy Research, using datasets from the ILO, IOM, Walk Free Foundation, SmartLab, UK Government, Delta 8.7 and the United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, this site has stunning visual maps which show the prevalence of modern slavery worldwide and efforts to eliminate it. There are also individual data dashboards. Questions that can be answered by it includes who gives the most aid, where does it go

Global brand database now uses AI search technology
WIPO’s Global Brand Database, has fully integrated an AI intelligence image search into the database search engine. The announcement is here. Use the concept strategy to perform it. you can paste in an image of a brand from a website and see if it recognises it.

History of Women in 100 objects – the Home Canning machine. Great historic film from West Midlands History.
Based on Professor Maggie Andrews 'A history of women in 100 objects' book. it is one of a series of 5 from the website which discuss the history and how historic images of usage.

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

Are a million species threatened with extinction? - get the real facts

This week media reported that vast numbers of species were threatened with extinction
the data is taken from a report of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services . The full report will be issued later this year. But the summary shows that
"average of around 25 per cent of species in assessed animal and plant groups are threatened"

This echoes the WWF 2018 Living Planet report
The Living Planet Index tracks the state of global biodiversity "The latest index shows an overall decline of 60% in population sizes between 1970 and 2014"

ICUN Red list The International Union for Conservation of Nature’s Red lists over 27,000 species threatened with extinction worldwide. Get fact files on the individual species of animals, plants and fungi listed.

Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO) provides a summary of the status of biological diversity and an analysis of the steps being taken by the global community It has the relevant convention and national implementation plans

How is the UK doing?
National Biodiversity Network is a UK based charity which seeks to educate the public.
it supports the Biodiversity Atlas which enables you to explore species in your area.

Thursday, 2 May 2019

Today is World Press Freedom Day- why is it important?

World Press Freedom day is celebrated annually on the 3rd May
the UNESCO official website 2019 focuses on the role of the media in the fight against misinformation

These include a book on press freedom and the safety of journalists and other resolutions, papers and resources. these include World Trends in Freedom of Expression series

The United Nations website has links to related resolutions, reports and committee websites

Why is this day important?

Find out which country has the most free press according to the annual barometer complied by RSF . The methodology used is displayed on the website

An Alternative freedom of the Press ranking is compiled annually by Freedom House .

Other well known indexes are:

The African Media Barometer was developed by fesmedia Africa, the Media Project of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) in Africa, and the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) in 2004.
Every two to three years a panel of 10 to 12 local experts, consisting of at least five media practitioners and media expert and five representatives from civil society, meet to assess the media situation in their own country. A report is then compiled by expert panellists based on 39 criteria,

Afrobarometer has a new report on media freedom from opinion polls conducted in African nations

European Centre for Press and Media Freedom has a resource section on its website with useful research reports and papers on trends in media pluralism and threats to media freedom in the region