Thursday, 3 September 2020

International Day of charity - resources for social scientists on the impact of Covid

The United Nations has designated by resolution A/RES/67/105 the 5th of September, the anniversary of the death of Mother Teresa, as the International Day of Charity.

Who gives to Charity?
The CAF World Giving index ranks over 140 nations worldwide on levels of charitable giving . It bases this on whether individuals give money, volunteer or help a stranger.

the financial status and income of UK charities.
This site from NCVO provides information on data from UK charities supplied by the Charities Commission. They include income and employees

What has been the impact of Covid on giving ?

the Charities Aid Foundation  website is a good starting point for tracing recent news stories and research

#NeverMore - is a campaign by a coalition of Uk charity organisations to campaign for assistance and to raise the profile of charities during the Covid pandemic when they are needed more but incomes are lower. They include ACEVO, Womens Resource Centre . The site has campaign materials as well as press releases and research on the impact from the charities