an increase in National Insurance contributions (NICs) to pay for increased funding for health and social care.
Policy Paper Build Back Better: Our Plan for Health and Social Care
PM statement to the House of Commons on health and social care: 7 September 2021UK Parliament research briefing August 2021- sets out background and key issues
Lords Library in focus paper 2nd September
A caring tax rise? The impacts of a potential increase in National Insurance- resolution Foundation July 2021
Hansard society discussion Health and Social care bill delegated powers
Kings fund blog - Fixing social care is not all about a cap on costs.
The Health and Care Bill: six key questions
A new deal for Social Care: A new deal for the workforce TUC proposals
Social care Funding Gap- Health Foundation
How to fund social care - Nuffield Trust July 2021
Raising national insurance to fund social care is fraught with political risk- Guardian
Institute of Directors
Press release
Federation of Small Businesses
More criticism
AgeUk 2nd September
Local Government Association - Future of Social care funding