Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Open access week. Here are some of our favourite recommended ebooks for free

Here are some recommended free books collections. remember you local library may have many more subscription services.

Online ebooks Collection
Excellent index to free ebooks maintained by Penn University. Highlights individual titles and largeebook. directories. Over 1 million titles currently listed. Covers all subject areas

DOAB Directory of Open access books great site allowing  searching and downloading of recent free boks from major academic publishers such as ANU, Manchester university

Project Gutenberg
World famous project with thousands of titles .Most are  e-books published before the 20th century and are free because their copyrights have expired.

National Academies Press
 was created by the National Academy of Sciences to publish the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. High quality academic and scientific

Smithsonian books online- art, architecture, cultural studies

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