Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Holocaust Remembrance day 2016 - useful educational resources

27th January has been designated as  as an annual International Day of Commemoration in memory of the victims of the Holocaust,by the United Nations as it commemorates the liberation of Auschwitz concentration camp 

Find out more about the Holocaust 
the United States Holocaust Museum has an online encyclopedia where you can get informative articles with facts about the Holocaust. This includes a timeline of events  
Animated maps with geographies of the Holocaustsurvivor testimonies
there is also a student resource center with guided activities for school students.

Yad Vashem- is  an enormous resource center created for the Jewish people. Its resource center provides free access to a wealth of online resources including diaries, letters and multimedia films

Holocaust Memorial Trust has resource backs and lessons plans for UK teachers

The theme for Holocaust Memorial Day 2016 is Don’t stand by - See more at:
 The theme for 2016 is : Don't stand by

Flames for Humanities Heroes is a national art project which saw 12 groups of students across the UK create artwork that tells the stories of heroes who refused to stand by when faced by Nazi atrocities.View examples of their stunning work online

Use these resources to understand more about the nature of anti-Semitism in the world today and why we should not stand by.

The Community Security Trust is a charity that acts to support the Jewish community by campaigning against racism . It collects regular data from January-June 2015 it recorded a shocking 473 antisemitic incidents a rise of 53% on the same period 2014.
It is therefore perhaps not surprising that this week a report by the Education select committee found too few teachers trained in Holocaust education. Read the full analysis and recommendations in the report

ADL Global 100. In 2014 The Anti-Defamation League commissioned the  First International poll to research attitudes and opinions toward Jews in over 100 countries around the world. in 2015 it provided an update on 19 nations.In the Uk in 2015 - 21% answered that Jews have too much power in the business world. Get the full data and methodology used from the website
European Agency for Fundamental Rights also has some data and reports on the nature and extent of anti-semitism in EU nations.

Further research

LSE staff and students can use Library search to locate books and journal articles. A good example is Arad Yitzhak, Israel Gutman, and Abraham Margaloit, (1999.) Documents on the Holocaust: Selected Sources on the Destruction of the Jews of Germany and Austria, Poland, and the Soviet Union which contains over 200 translation of primary resource documents .
Documents on British Policy Overseas contains primary source materials from the Foreign Office. These include letters and telegrams from officials concerning evidence of conditions in the German concentration camps. National Archives has other UK government documents.
Locate journal articles using Historical Abstracts, and ISI Web of Science. 

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