Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Support World Press freedom day

Today 3rd May is World Press Freedom day- here are some resources for finding out more!

What is World Press Freedom day?

It dates back to a 1993 resolution from the United Nations.which sought to promote press freedom.

The 3rd of May was chosen to honour the Declaration of Windhoek  a statement of press freedom principles put together by African newspaper journalists in 1991.

IFEX background guide to the day

2016 events

2016 World Press day is focusing upon freedom of information and access to information. Read the statement from the United Nations. 
Secretary General's message for 2016 

UNESCO 2016 day webpage
In addition to news and events. There are also links to UNESCO documents on journalism, press freedom.

Why is it necessary? The state of press freedom worldwide.

 2016 World Press Freedom report. The annual ranking from
Reporters without Frontiers ranks 180 countries according to the level of freedom accorded to journalists. This year it recorded growing obstacles for journalists.

Freedom of the Press 2016- Freedom House Report - declared press freedom at its lowest point in 15 years. 46% live in 'not free' press environments.

Committee to Protect Journalists- has listings of
Attacks on the press. the 2016 feature focuses on women journalists.
Journalists killed - 10 in 2016 already. It records deaths since 1992

World Press Freedom Committee - has a map of imprisoned journalists.

IFEX has reports on censorship of the press. See the latest one on the Arab world.

 The Media Institute of South Africa has created a website reviewing progress on the 25th anniversary of the Windhoek declaration.

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