Thursday, 20 October 2016

Habitat III - follow the progress and get the facts from our resources

Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development which takes place biennially - it took place in Ecuador , from 17 – 20 October 2016. Here are some useful websites.

The Official Habitat III website has the agenda, resolutions and news. There were three preparatory meetings the web sites of which contain documents.
Meeting One
Meeting two
Meeting three
Regional meetings

Issue papers for Habitat III

Get started withis these introductory guides to understanding Habitat III

The Conversation blog
Independent Newspaper

Some comment can be found on.
World Bank blogs
Council of the European Union.
IIED opinion
Womens Alliance
Comunitas coalition

Controversy - for opposition see this useful Guardian article

ResistenciaHábitat III, an “opposition” of more than 40 community groups from Quito and around Ecuador highlighting the local issues they say are being ignored by the global convention on their doorstep

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