Monday, 28 November 2016

Fidel Castro - hero or villian ? check out our academic resources.

Fidel Castro hero or villain?

Read these obituaries from world news papers to get started.

USA Today has a discussion of the reaction on social media

14ymedia independent from Cuba has coverage of events.
for a different perspective Granma newspaper supported by the government
official Cuban government website 

 Think tanks analysis
Centre for Research on Cuba  Nottingham
Council on Foreign relations
Cuban research institute university of Florida
Brookings Institute
Cuba Transition project - University of Miami

Historic online resources relating to Castro
Castro historic speech database 1959-1966 
Granma archives Index 1965-1992

Foreign Relations of the United States 1958-60 Cuba- presidential documents.
1961-63 Cuban Missile Crisis
US government documents

National Security Archive George Washington University declassified documents project and analysis on the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuba online
a full-text, searchable database that contains current economic, demographic, political, historical and business information on Cuba. Cuba On-Line it is maintained by the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies of the University of Miami.
The National Library José Martí  national library in Cuba- has a digital library.these include many post 1959 political posters. 

Cuban Heritage Collection Digital Exhibits (University of Miami Libraries).includes the exhibitions -The “Memory and Record” exhibit presents a timeline of Cuban and exile history featuring selected items from the collection. Other exhibits, such as “The Cuban Rafter Phenomenon: A Unique Sea Exodus” and “In Search of Freedom: Cuban Exiles and the U.S. Cuban Refugee Program,” focus on two specific eras of contemporary Cuban experience.

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