Tuesday, 27 August 2019

G7 - what is it ? what does it achieve?

This week the recent G& summit was in the news.
the G7/G8 information centre is a great starting point for background facts on what they are and do.
It has a full index of summits, with delegations and transcripts relating to major decisions.
Council on Foreign Relations also recently published a background document on G7 involvement in multilateralism

Biarritz summit official documents from G7 information centre
Official French government website
UK government press releases on meetings during the summit.
EU activities

IISD knowledge hub- International Institute Sustainable Development

Academic research
the conversation - academic comment
G7 research group is an excellent starting point for tracing the latest academic research . The website of the G7 Information Centre also has feeds from their latest research and links to older titles.

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