Tuesday, 14 January 2020

Dry January get some facts

Dry January is an Alcohol Concern campaign to get people in the Uk to drink less

The official blog has support materials and diaries from participants.

Dry Tap app can be used to monitor drinking patterns

according to research on its impact it has been proven to reduce drinking.

How much do people drink?

The Tackling Harmful Alcohol Use: Economics and Public Health Policy report published by the OECD in 2015 found that alcohol accounted for 1 in 17 premature deaths . It also argues that in some cases problem drinking is worse in weller off OECD nations than elsewhere.

In terms of England it found that. "Levels of alcohol consumption in the United Kingdom are above the OECD average and increased during the last 30 years. In 2011, an average of 10.6 litres of pure alcohol per capita was consumed in the United Kingdom, compared with an estimate of 9.5 litres in the OECD"

The ONS has data on alcohol consumption trends in the UK
it also records alcohol related deaths
the Health Survey for England has self reported data by individuals by region, gender, age, ethnicity on how much they drink in a typical week.

Do people drink more in certain regions?

This interesting study on regional alcohol consumption focused on sales data it found that: "There are some important differences in the types of alcohol sold through on- and off-licensed premises across GB regions. The high volume of alcohol sold per adult in the South West is driven by on-trade sales of cider and spirits and off-trade wine sales. In Scottish regions, a much higher volume of spirits is sold per adult than elsewhere in GB."

Are women drinking more?

According to the Institute of Alcohol studies levels are rising in the UK
see more research on their website

For academic evidence on alcohol and health search PubMed to find articles.
NHS evidence has policy, strategy and scientific research.

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