Thursday, 2 April 2020

World Autism Awareness day - why is it important?

This week charities are calling for awareness of Autism 

Autism uk  quotes the figures that "There are around 700,000 people on the autism spectrum in the UK – that's more than 1 in 100"

 however awareness and understanding of autism  is needed because in 2019 Autism UK found that only 16% of autistic adults  were in paid employment

In 2014 research by the LSE found that this  led to a total loss to the UK economy of £32 billion per year in treatment, lost earnings, care and support for children and adults with of the most costly conditions  impacting the economy. More information on LSE researchonline

This 2019 systematic review also reviewed the evidence that informal caregivers suffered poorer mental health and stigma

other children's charities in different countries have done studies which shows higher evidence of bullying linked with autism

To locate high quality research  try the National Autistic Society Its library catalogue indexes books, reports and journal articles. It also provides free access to Autism update its listing of items added toi the Library catalogue recently.

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