Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Loneliness - is it a problem in the UK?

Early this month the British Red Cross published a report called Escaping the Bubble which from its survey found that 80% of people in the UK (amongst those surveyed) had experienced loneliness with 18%  feeling often or always lonely.

In 2015 the Office for National Statistics issued a study focussing on older people, loneliness and well-being. 3 in 10 of those aged 80 and over reported being lonely with a strong correlation between loneliness and unhappiness

The London Datastore has stastistics on the probability of a person over 65 being lonely- based on data from the London area.

Age UK has a loneliness map which examines the areas in the UK where older feel most isolated and lonely . Its website also has a number of relevant evidence reviews.
You can keep up to date with examples of recent research and news on loneliness and the old. By checking the Campaign to End Loneliness website
the Centre for Policy on Aging also has a national database of Aging research and Ageinfo - references to recent articles and reports

However , loneliness is not just experienced by the Old. The Mental Health Foundation published a report entitled the Lonely Society which found that changes in the nature of social relations and society have increased loneliness.
For further information try searching social care online which indexes articles and reports covering all aspects of social care. examples include this briefing on isolation.

 How does the UK compare with other countries?
Global Agewatch considered that the UK had a lower score for health due to loneliness
Eurostat has some statistics for European nations on life satisfaction and social interaction which you can download.

Finally Mind has some resources and advice which can help when you are feeling lonely

Monday, 28 November 2016

Fidel Castro - hero or villian ? check out our academic resources.

Fidel Castro hero or villain?

Read these obituaries from world news papers to get started.

USA Today has a discussion of the reaction on social media

14ymedia independent from Cuba has coverage of events.
for a different perspective Granma newspaper supported by the government
official Cuban government website 

 Think tanks analysis
Centre for Research on Cuba  Nottingham
Council on Foreign relations
Cuban research institute university of Florida
Brookings Institute
Cuba Transition project - University of Miami

Historic online resources relating to Castro
Castro historic speech database 1959-1966 
Granma archives Index 1965-1992

Foreign Relations of the United States 1958-60 Cuba- presidential documents.
1961-63 Cuban Missile Crisis
US government documents

National Security Archive George Washington University declassified documents project and analysis on the Bay of Pigs and Cuban Missile Crisis

Cuba online
a full-text, searchable database that contains current economic, demographic, political, historical and business information on Cuba. Cuba On-Line it is maintained by the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies of the University of Miami.
The National Library José Martí  national library in Cuba- has a digital library.these include many post 1959 political posters. 

Cuban Heritage Collection Digital Exhibits (University of Miami Libraries).includes the exhibitions -The “Memory and Record” exhibit presents a timeline of Cuban and exile history featuring selected items from the collection. Other exhibits, such as “The Cuban Rafter Phenomenon: A Unique Sea Exodus” and “In Search of Freedom: Cuban Exiles and the U.S. Cuban Refugee Program,” focus on two specific eras of contemporary Cuban experience.

Monday, 21 November 2016

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

COP22 Climate Change meeting Marrakesh- free resources

22nd Conference of the Parties (COP 22) to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)  is currently meeting 7-18 November 2016 at Marrakesh
Here are some useful resources to get started with research
The official website has press reference documents
as well as news and a section which explains the background and importance of the meeting.
Marrakesh Conference Information hub United Nations Framework Convention on Climate change

IISD SDG knowledge hub has a wealth of information on the environment and sustainable development. It has a section for the conference.
as well as a specialist IISD Marrakesh reporting service
Commentary from the EU on events.
Commentary from Africa Progress Panel
World Resources Institute commentary

Wednesday, 2 November 2016

End Crimes against Journalists.

2nd November is International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

The United Nations has designated 2 November as International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists.This event calls on nations to condemn attacks on journalists and to bring the alleged perpetrators to justice. 
On 26th September an important new resolution was passed by the Human Rights committee condemning violence against journalists.
Other resources on this topic include:

  • These organisations have news headlines and reports:

Other campaign and professional groups which regularly comment on this topic include: International Federation of Journalists

Monday, 31 October 2016

Suez Crisis 60th anniversary - find out the facts with our recommended links

60th anniversary of the Suez Crisis -
Professor Nigel Ashton (LSE) explores parallels between Anthony Eden’s handling of the 1956 Suez Crisis and Tony Blair’s role in the 2003 invasion of Iraq in a useful article from the Conversation.

Here are some useful starting points for finding out more.
The Imperial War Museum has an introductory article on What was the Suez Crisis? 
Vernon Bogdanor CBE Gresham College lecture  on Suez

UK National Archives holds government papers and correspondence relating to decisions of the British government. Search the discovery catalogue for the full listing. Examples of primary source documents online include: papers from the Cabinet Office
Cabinet Secretaries notebooks.
Public information films.
Getty Images (remember to check copyright)

Bodleian Library has an online exhibition- this has exampples from their modern political papers to provide an 'insider's viewpoint' of Suez from politicians, diplomats, civil servants and leading public figures.

French perspectives - Service historique de la Défense
 Foreign Relations of the United States documents
United Nations acounts of the UNEF peacekeeping mission.
Pathe News reels of events.

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Habitat III - follow the progress and get the facts from our resources

Habitat III is the United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Urban Development which takes place biennially - it took place in Ecuador , from 17 – 20 October 2016. Here are some useful websites.

The Official Habitat III website has the agenda, resolutions and news. There were three preparatory meetings the web sites of which contain documents.
Meeting One
Meeting two
Meeting three
Regional meetings

Issue papers for Habitat III

Get started withis these introductory guides to understanding Habitat III

The Conversation blog
Independent Newspaper

Some comment can be found on.
World Bank blogs
Council of the European Union.
IIED opinion
Womens Alliance
Comunitas coalition

Controversy - for opposition see this useful Guardian article

ResistenciaHábitat III, an “opposition” of more than 40 community groups from Quito and around Ecuador highlighting the local issues they say are being ignored by the global convention on their doorstep