Thursday, 16 February 2017

Polluted Britain - what are the facts about air pollution.

This week Britain received a final warning from the European Commission over  air pollution limits for nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Its website gives details over the regulations and other nations which were also warned.

Here are some places to trace facts on air pollution levels.

UK facts

UK DEFRA has a daily monitong site of levels.
there is also
For a different perspective see the Friends of the Earth campaign for cleaner air. They have a national air pollution map
Greenpeace campaigns

European Perspectives.
Eurostat has some data on excedence of air quality levels in urban areas in EU nations.
Its website also has a larger section on air polution statistics which provides free access to a range of data topics

European Topic Centre for Air Pollution and Climate Change Mitigation (ETC/ACM)
The ETC/ACM is a consortium of 14 European organisations with the Netherlands Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) as its lead organisation.

Main tasks of the ETC/ACM are to:
Assist the European Environment Agency (EEA) in its support to EU policy on air pollution. Its website provides free access to reports, guidelines and a number of free databases.

Airbase. The European air quality database system. It contains, next to multi-annual time series of measurement data and their statistics for a representative selection of stations throughout Europe

European Interpolated Air Quality Maps Annual European air quality maps for urban and rural background concentrations

Global Data
Climate and Clean Air Coalition involves the United Nations, USA and other nations, read reports  on its website.

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