Wednesday, 8 February 2017

why we need more women in science

 These resources provide information on why it is necesary.

OECD PISA data show that internationallly girls tend to study less science subjects than boys. At age 15 Finland is the only country where girls top boys in science
This EU analysis includes gender gaps which it records as reducing but still apparent in maths and science.

Universities UK annual report figure 18 has break downs of subjects studies by gende%
 engineering students comprised  83.9% men and only 16.1 % women

UNESCO has worldwide data of the gender gap in science for 2013.
in 2015 it recorded a global average of women researchers in science as low as 28.4% with regional variations ranging from 47% in Central Asia to 18% for south and West Asia
as a result they have a special programme to promote women in Science
where you can sign a manifesto

In the UK good sources for campaigns and examinations of the role of women in science include:

Royal Society diversity in science pages. It also has a list of influential women
WISE campaign which aims to promote women in science and technology in the UK . See details of its recent careers campaign and statistics from 2014 which show that although girls achieve high science grades fewer go onto further study or stem careers
Stemettes promotes science and technology to girls.

For the EU try the European Platform of Women Scientists.
in January 2017 they published. She Figures 2015 which investigated the level of progress made towards gender equality in research & innovation (R&I) in Europe

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