How cold is it where you are? compare your location with 50 other cities worldwide using this calculation tool from the BBC website
Did it snow more in the past?
Look at the historic weather charts from the UK Met office . the site has monthly time series data often from the early 1900s onwards which measures.Mean daily maximum temperature ; Mean daily minimum temperature; days of frost, total rainfall, total sunThe UK government also has these in excel spreadsheets on its website
They have a special snow page with quick facts and figures on snowfall, days of snow . You can also see this handy infographic on white christmases in the UK
Snow and climate change
in 2016 the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology published a paper on the historic trends and future projects for snow in the UK
National Snow and Ice Data Center. has datasets on glacier and ice coverage
it also has reports and monitoring data on sea ice and glaciers.
The World Meterological Organization (WMO) also has evidence of the impact of climate change on ice
The beauty of snow and ice
The science of snowflakes from Time magazine has some scientific facts and stunning scientific images
The Guardian has a photoessay of the first photographic images by Wilson A. Bentley
For images see the Natural History Museum (remember to check copyright) they have stoat sandwich and images of animals in the snow.
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