Monday, 18 December 2017

social science of reindeer and other facts

Just for christmas here are some quick links to the social science of reindeers and other facts.

Are reindeer an endangered species?
find out the answer and more about their natural habitat and biology on the free ARKive website
they have some great images.
and videos . See this example of  a herd in the summer.  They look quite different because they are moulting and are dancing around as they get bitten a lot by midges!

Is reindeer herding economically important.
In recent years statistics from the Reindeer Herders Association in Finland show declining trends. Find out about ownership and meat production from their website
The International centre for Reindeer Husbandry has online guides to other countries such as Sweden and Norway which discuss the extent and importance of reindeer to the economy.
It also has a link to a free reindeer warning app!
The Arctic Council also has some documents on its website from projects which have discussed the importance of reindeer to the suvival of indigenous arctic peoples.
The Arctic Institute of North America provides free access to some of its articles.

Rudolf the red nosed reindeer!
Robert Lewis May 1926, while working for Montgomery Ward and Company in Chicago as an advertising editor, created 'Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer' as a Christmas promotion for the company. The original is now held in Dartmouth College
NPR has a digital version online from a programme it made in 2013

Finally see some historic films of reindeers in lapland and london! via Pathe film

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