Monday, 2 September 2019

Amazon fires get the facts with our free academic research links.

Over the last couple of weeks newspapers have been reporting a dramatic increase in fires in the Amazonian rain forest

Here are some places to get the real facts

The National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) has current satellite images which show an increase of over 80% on 2018

World Resources Institute blog has images from NASA and discussion of the trends.

National Geographic magazine has a good English language article which interprets this and other data in English. It also includes good deforestation maps.

Global Fire Emissions database . It includes explorable maps of wildfire size and duration. check dates and methodology on the website.

Global Forest Watch has excellent maps of deforestation and loss in specific countries. The one for Brazil tracks trends. It also has a blog with comment and analysis of recent events.

The FAO produce a general report on the Global State of the Forests this generally covers issues relating to biodiversity and sustainability and forest management in nations worldwide.

Global Forest Information Service. is a collaborative effort of forest-related institutions very good for keeping up to date with news and lists of lots of publications.

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